About me


My name is Bram Klievink. I am a a professor of Public Administration with a special focus on Digitalisation and Public Policy. I work at the Public Administration Institute of Leiden University (Campus The Hague). My research is about how digital innovations challenge the incumbent practices and institutions of public governance, and how these innovations might be used for innovations in governance for the digital age. Before joining Leiden University, I worked at Delft University of Technology’s faculty of Technology, Policy and Management.

On this website, I discuss stuff that I find interesting, usually related to my research and teaching. You may find posts about new projects or publications, an item about something I read recently, work by colleagues, opinion pieces, new ideas and initiatives, etc.

My background. A fascination with digitalisation meeting public governance is the main driver of my research and teaching. I’m very interested in the interaction between ICT and governance and my academic education and career is all about that interaction. I hold a PhD degree in e-government, a MSc degree in political science, and a degree in business information systems. My PhD dissertation from TU Delft is on coordination mechanisms for multi-actor e-service delivery by public-private service networks.

I have been involved in various Dutch and European research projects as principal investigator, researcher, work package leader, projectleader, or served on the scientific coordination team. Furthermore, I was a board member of the Dutch Alliance for Vital Governance, a strategic research alliance for collaboration and knowledge transfer between government organisations and research institutes in the Netherlands. In 2013 I was awarded a Veni grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

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