Current projects
AIVD / TU Delft collaboration: National Cyber Security | runs: 2019-2023 | role: main applicant and co-PI
NWO MVI (Responsible Innovation scheme): Governing crowd-based initiatives | runs: 2017-2021 | role: co-PI
LDE EuroCEFG: Big Data in Policy Making | runs: 2017-2021 | role: research fellow and supervisor
TU Delft: Engineering Social Technologies for a Responsible Digital Future | runs: 2016-2020 | role: supervisor
NWO: JUridical and context-aware Sharing of informaTion for ensuring compliance (JUST) | runs 2014-2019 | role: supervisor
MALPAY | runs 2014-2019 | role: project leader and supervisor
Past projects
NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls VENI: Governing public-private information infrastructures | ran: 2014-2018 | role: main applicant (personal grant)
EIT Digital: WELCOME (H2020) | ran: 2018 | role: co-applicant and lead for governance model
Page under construction (past projects section)