Recent and key publications
Giest, S. & Klievink, B. (2022) More than a digital system: how AI is changing the role of bureaucrats in different organizational contexts. Public Management Review
Vydra, S., Poama, A., Giest, S., Ingrams, A., & Klievink, B. (2021). Big Data Ethics: A Life Cycle Perspective. Erasmus Law Review, 1, (2021):24-44
Vydra, S. & Klievink, B. (2019). Techno-optimism and policy-pessimism in the public sector big data debate. Government Information Quarterly 36(4).
Panagiotopoulos, P., Klievink, B. & Cordella, A. (2019) Public value creation in digital government. Government Information Quarterly 36(4).
Cuppen, E., Klievink, B., & Doorn, N. (2019). Governing crowd-based innovations: an interdisciplinary research agenda. Journal of Responsible Innovation (online)
Van der Voort, H. G., Klievink, A. J., Arnaboldi, M., & Meijer, A. J. (2019). Rationality and politics of algorithms. Will the promise of big data survive the dynamics of public decision making? Government Information Quarterly 36(1). pp. 27-38
Klievink B., Van der Voort, H., Veeneman, W. (2018). Creating value through data collaboratives: Balancing innovation and control. Information Polity 23(4). pp 379-397
Klievink, B., Romijn, B.J., Cunningham, S, De Bruijn, H. (2017). Big Data in the Public Sector: Uncertainties and Readiness. Information System Frontiers 19(2). pp 267-283
Klievink, B., Bharosa, N., & Tan, Y.-H. (2016). The collaborative realization of public values and business goals: Governance and infrastructure of public–private information platforms. Government Information Quarterly, 33(1), 67–79.
Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2009). Realizing joined-up government – Dynamic capabilities and stage models for transformation. Government Information Quarterly, 26(2), 275-284.
Inaugural Lecture
My inaugural lecture was on 17 September 2021.
My PhD dissertation is on coordination mechanisms for multi-actor e-service delivery by public-private service networks. I defended it on 13/12/2011
The most up to date publication list can be found on my Google Scholar Profile
International refereed publications (updated till 2018)
- Klievink B., Van der Voort, H., Veeneman, W. (2018). Creating value through data collaboratives: Balancing innovation and control. Information Polity 23 (4). pp. 379-397
- Klievink B., Janssen M., van der Voort H., van Engelenburg S. (2018) Regulatory Compliance and Over-Compliant Information Sharing – Changes in the B2G Landscape. In: Parycek P. et al. (eds) Electronic Government. EGOV 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11020. Springer, Cham.
- Veeneman, W., Van der Voort, H., Hirschhorn, F., Steenhuisen, B., Klievink, B. (2018). PETRA: Governance as a key success factor for big data solutions in mobility. Research in Transportation Economics 69. pp. 420-429
- van Engelenburg S., Janssen M., Klievink B. (2018) A Blockchain Architecture for Reducing the Bullwhip Effect. In: Shishkov B. (eds) BMSD 2018.Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 319. Springer, Cham
- Van Wegberg, R., Tajalizadehkhoob, S., Soska, K., Akyazi, U., Ganan, C.H., Klievink, B., Christin, N., van Eeten, M. (2018). Plug and Prey? Measuring the Commoditization of Cybercrime via Online Anonymous Markets. In: 27th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 18). pp. 1009–1026. Baltimore, MD
- Van Engelenburg, S., Janssen, M., Klievink, B.:What Belongs to Context? In: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 101–116 (2018).
- Van Engelenburg, S., Janssen, M., Klievink, B.,Tan, Y.-H., Rukanova, B.: Comparing the Openness of Archetypical Business-to-government Information Sharing Architectures: Balancing Advantages of Openness with the Control of Risks. In: Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age. p. 88:1–88:10. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2018).
- Klievink, B., Romijn, B.J., Cunningham, S, De Bruijn, H. (2017). Big Data in the Public Sector: Uncertainties and Readiness. Information System Frontiers19(2). pp 267-283
- S van Engelenburg, M Janssen, B. Klievink (2017). Design of a software architecture supporting business-to-government information sharing to improve public safety and security. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.
- Van Wegberg, R.S., Klievink, B. & van Eeten, M.J.G. (2017) Discerning Novel Value Chains in Financial Malware. Eur J Crim Policy Res23(4). doi:10.1007/s10610-017-9336-3
- B. Klievink, A. Neuroni, M. Fraefel and A. Zuiderwijk. Digital Strategies in Action – a Comparative Analysis of National Data Infrastructure Development. DG.o 2017 – Digital Governance Society. ACM Publishing.
- S van Engelenburg, M Janssen, B. Klievink, and Y-H Tan. Comparing a Shipping Information Pipeline with a Thick Flow and a Thin Flow. EGOV 2017: Electronic Government. Springer LNCS. pp 228-239
- van Engelenburg S., Janssen M., Klievink B. (2017) What Belongs to Context?. In: Cerone A., Roveri M. (eds) Software Engineering and Formal Methods. SEFM 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10729. Springer
- R. Bierens, B. Klievink, J. van den Berg. A Social Cyber Contract Theory Model for Understanding National Cyber Strategies.EGOV 2017: Electronic Government. Springer LNCS. pp 166-176
- Klievink, B., Bharosa, N., & Tan, Y.-H. (2016). The collaborative realization of public values and business goals: Governance and infrastructure of public–private information platforms. Government Information Quarterly, 33(1), 67–79.
- Zulfa, A., Klievink, B, De Reuver, M, Janssen, M. (2016). A Synthesised Stage Model for Collaborative Public Service Platform. International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age.
- Klievink, B. (2015). Understanding public-private collaboration configurations for international information infrastructures.In: Electronic Government: Proceedings of the 14th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2015 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
- Klievink, B. and Zomer, G. (2015) IT-enabled Resilient, Seamless and Secure Global Supply Chains: Introduction, Overview and Research Topics. Proceedings of I3E 2015 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
- Van Engelenburg, S., Janssen, M.,Klievink, B. (2015) Design of a Business-to-Government Information Sharing Architecture Using Business Rules. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Singerling, T, Klievink, B, Reuver, M de & Janssen, M. (2015). Exploring factors that influence information sharing choices of organizations in networks. In: AMCIS 2015 Proceedings.
- Klievink, B., Janssen, M. (2014). Developing multi-layer information infrastructures: advancing social innovation through public-private governance.Information Systems Management.
- Klievink, B, Eijk, AMG van & Janssen, MFWHA (2014). Interconnecting governments, businesses and citizens : A comparison of two digital infrastructures. In Electronic Government: Proceedings of the 13th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8653) (pp. 84-95). Berlin: Springer.
- Knol, AJ, Klievink, B & Tan, Y (2014). Data sharing issues and potential solutions for adoption of information infrastructures: evidence from a data pipeline project in the global supply chain over sea. In Proceedings of the 27th bled e-conference (BLED).
- Klievink, B., Lucassen, I. (2013). Facilitating adoption of international information infrastructures: a Living Labs approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8074, pp. 250–261. Paper presented at IFIP EGOV 2013.
- Klievink, B. Bharosa, N., Tan, Y-H. (2013). Exploring barriers and stepping stones for system based monitoring: insights from global supply chains. Proceedings of IFIP EGOV 2013, Koblenz, Germany
- Bharosa, N., Klievink, B., Janssen M., & Tan, Y-H. (2013). Developing multi-sided platforms for public-private information sharing: design observations from two case studies. 14th International Digital Government Research Conference (dg.o 2013). Université Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada on June 17-20, 2013, pp. 146-155.
- Deljoo, A., Janssen, M. & Klievink, B. (2013). Simulating public private networks as evolving systems. In: W. Rekdalsbakken, R.T. Bye & H. Zhang (eds). Proceedings 27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS), Alesun, Norway: May 27-30, pp. 124-129.
- Klievink, B., Janssen, M., & Tan, Y.-H. (2012). A Stakeholder Analysis of Business-to-Government Information Sharing: the Governance of a Public-Private Platform. International Journal of Electronic Government Research.
- Klievink, B., Van Stijn, E., Hesketh, D., Aldewereld, H., Overbeek, S., Heijmann, F., & Tan, Y.-H. (2012). Enhancing Visibility in International Supply Chains: The Data Pipeline Concept. International Journal of Electronic Government Research.
- Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2012). Challenges in Developing Public-private Business Models. European Journal of ePractice, 18(October 2012), 9-23.
- Janssen, M., & Klievink, B.(2012). Can enterprise architectures reduce failure in development projects? Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 6(1), 27-40.
- Klievink, B., Janssen, M., & Tan, Y.-H. (2012). Blurring public-private boundaries: governance of information sharing in global trade networks. Paper presented at the 13th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o ’12), College Park, MD, USA.
- Van Veenstra, A. F., Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2011).Barriers and impediments to transformational government: insights from literature and practice. Electronic Government, An International Journal, 8(2/3), 226-241.
- Van Stijn, E., Klievink, B., & Tan, Y.-H. (2011). Innovative ICT solutions for monitoring and facilitating international trade. Network Industries Quarterly, 13(3), 26-29.
- Overbeek, S, Klievink, B, Hesketh, D., Heijmann, F, & Tan, Y-H. (2011). A web-based data pipeline for compliance in international trade. Paper presented at the 1st Workshop on IT Innovations Enabling Seamless and Secure Supply Chains (WITNESS 2011) held in conjunction with the EGOV 2011 Conference.
- Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2010). Simulation gaming as a social development instrument: dealing with complex problems in the 2.0 era. Information Polity, 15(1-2), 153-165.
- Janssen, M., & Klievink, B.(2010). Gaming and simulation for transforming and reengineering government: Towards a research agenda. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 4(2), 132-137.
- Bharosa, N., Janssen, M., Klievink, B., Van Veenstra, A. F., & Overbeek, S. (2010). Guiding Integrated Service Delivery: Synthesizing and Embedding Principles Using Role-Playing Games. Electronic Journal of e-Government 8(2), 83-92.
- Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2010). Coordinating e-Government Service Delivery. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2010).
- Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2010). Simulation games for collaborative development in e-Government. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 43.
- Janssen, M., & Klievink, B.(2010). ICT-project failure in public administration: The need to include risk management in enterprise architectures. Paper presented at the 11th International Digital Government Research Conference (dg.o 2010).
- Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2009). Realizing joined-up government – Dynamic capabilities and stage models for transformation. Government Information Quarterly, 26(2), 275-284.
- Overbeek, S., Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2009).A Flexible, Event-Driven, Service-Oriented Architecture for Orchestrating Service Delivery. IEEE Intelligent Systems, September/October, 31-41.
- Janssen, M., & Klievink, B.(2009). The Role of Intermediaries in Multi-Channel Service Delivery Strategies. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 5(3), 36-46.
- Van Veenstra, A. F., Janssen, M., & Klievink, B.(2009). Strategies for Orchestrating and Managing Supply Chains in Public Service Networks. Electronic Journal of e-Government 7(4), 425-432.
- Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2009). Improving Integrated Service Delivery: A Simulation Game. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2009).
- Van Veenstra, AF, Klievink, B & Janssen, M. (2009). Barriers for Transformation: Impediments for Transforming the Public Sector through e-Government. Paper presented at the 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2009).
- Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2008). Improving Government Service Delivery with Private Sector Intermediaries. European Journal of ePractice, 5 (October 2008), 17-25.
- Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2008). Stage models for creating joined-up government: from local to nation-wide integration.Paper presented at the 9th Annual International Digital Government Research Conference, Montréal, Canada.
- Klievink, B., Janssen, M., Lankhorst, M. M., & Van Leeuwen, D. (2008). An Event-Driven Service-Oriented Architecture for Coordinating Flexible Public Service Networks. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference EGOV 2008.
- Janssen, M., & Klievink, B.(2008). Do we need intermediairies in e-government? Intermediaries to create a demand-driven government. Paper presented at the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008).
Other academic papers and chapters
Includes full conference papers that have been selected based on abstracts, or that were not published in searchable scientific databases. Also includes peer-reviewed contributions to books, publications in professional journals, editorships and Dutch publications
- Zhilin S., Klievink B., de Jong M. (2019) Community Self-Governance in the Smart City: Towards a Typology. In: E-Participation in Smart Cities: Technologies and Models of Governance for Citizen Engagement. Public Administration and Information Technology, vol 34. Springer, Cham
- Klievink, B., Van Wegberg, R. & Van Eeten, M. (2017). Een gezamenlijke rekening? Over digitale innovatie en samenwerking in een institutional void. Bestuurskunde(2017:1)
- Van Bueren, E., & Klievink, B.(2017). Institutionele leegte: nieuwe bronnen, nieuwe uitdagingen. Bestuurskunde, 26(3), 3-14.
- Slot, T., Cuppen, E., Doorn, N., Galeano Galvan, M., & Klievink, B.(2017). Crowd-based innovaties: verschuivende verantwoordelijkheden in een institutional void. Bestuurskunde, 26(3), 31-42.
- B.Klievink, Fabio Hirschhorn, Haiko van der Voort & Wijnand Veeneman (2017). Openness and control in data collaboratives– The case of infomobility platforms. Paper for the annual conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA)
- F Hirschhorn, B Klievink, B Steenhuisen, W Veeneman, H van der Voort The governance of mobility platforms for cities; fifteen smart cases. 21st International Research Society on Public Management Conference (IRSPM)
- E. Cuppen, N Doorn, B Klievink, M Taanman. Crowd-based innovation: Governing transition of responsibilities. World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research Conference on Institutional Research
- Bram Klievink, Bauke Steenhuisen, Fabio Hirschhorn, Haiko Van Der Voort and Wijnand Veeneman. Mobility data platforms; Making big data work in Haifa, Rome, and Venice. Abstract for Thredbo 15
- Haiko Van der Voort, Bauke Steenhuisen, Bram Klievink, Fabio Hirschhorn and Wijnand Veeneman. PETRA; Governance as a key success factor for big data solutions in urban mobility. Abstract for Thredbo 15
- Marijn Janssen, Karin Axelsson, Olivier Glassey, Bram Klievink, Robert Krimmer, Ida Lindgren, Peter Parycek, Hans J Scholl, Dmitrii Trutnev (2017). Electronic Government: 16th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 4-7, 2017, Proceedings (Springer).
- Klievink, B.and Meijer, A. (2016) Building Collaborative Information Platforms: A Strategic Niche Management Approach. Paper for the annual conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA).
- Van der Voort, H., Klievink, B., Arnaboldi, M. and De Bruijn, H. (2016). Will the promise of big data survive the dynamics of public decision making? The need for checks and balance. Paper for European Group on Public Administration (EGPA) 2016 (PSG1).
- Tambouris, M Janssen, MA Wimmer, B Klievink, I Lindgren, P Parycek, …(eds.) (2016). Electronic government: 15th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2015, Guimarães, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016, Proceedings – Lecture notes in computer science
- Scholl, H.J., Glassey, O., Janssen, M.F.W.H.A., Klievink, B., Lindgren, I., Parycek, P., Tambouris, E., Wimmer, M.A., Janowski, T., Sá Soares, D. (eds) (2016) Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research, PhD Papers, Posters and Workshops of IFIP EGOV and ePart 2016 [open access e-book]
- Helbig, N., Dawes, S., Dzhusupova, Z., Klievink, B., Mkude, C. (2015). Stakeholder Engagement in Policy Development: Observations and Lessons from International Experience. In: Policy Practice and Digital Science. Springer.
- Janssen, M., Mäntymäki, M., Hidders, J., Klievink, B., Lamersdorf, W., van Loenen, B., Zuiderwijk, A. (Eds.) (2015)Open and Big Data Management and Innovation. Proceedings of the 14th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, I3E 2015, Delft, The Netherlands, October 13-15, 2015
- Tambouris, E., Janssen, M., Scholl, H.J., Wimmer, M.A., Tarabanis, K., Gascó, M., Klievink, B., Lindgren, I., Parycek, P. (Eds.). (2015) Electronic Government. Proceedings of the 14th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 30 — September 2, 2015.
- Efthimios Tambouris, Hans Jochen Scholl, Marijn Janssen, Maria A. Wimmer, Konstantinos Tarabanis, Mila Gascó,Bram Klievink, Ida Lindgren, Michela Milano, Panos Panagiotopoulos, Theresa A. Pardo, Peter Parycek, Øystein Sæbø (Eds). (2015) Electronic Government and Electronic Participation (open access e-book)
- Klievink, B. (2014). Assessing public-private collaboration configurations for international information infrastructures.Annual work conference 2014 at Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG) (Unpublished).
- Lucassen, I, Klievink, B & Tavasszy, LA (2014). A living lab framework: facilitating the adoption of innovations in international information infrastructures. In JB Kovarik, B Jacob & V Motyka (Eds.), Proceedings of Transport Research Arena 2014 Transport Policy
- Klievink, B, Aldewereld, HM & Tan, Y.H. (2014). Establishing information infrastructures for international trade : Discussing the role and governance of port- community systems. In AG Kok & WHM Zijm (Eds.), 5th International Conference on information systems, logistics and supply chain: ILS2014, Breda (Netherlands) (pp. 1-10). s.l.: Dinalog.
- Zuiderwijk, A., Klievink, B., Janssen, M., Tan, Y-H., Charalabidis, Y., Argyzoudis, E. (2013) Workshop on Open Information Infrastructures Enabling Innovations. IFIP EGOV 2013, Koblenz, Germany.
- Klievink, B., Tan, Y.-H., Janssen, M., & Zomer, G. (2012). 2nd Workshop On IT Innovations Enabling Seamless And Secure Supply Chains: WITNESS 2012.Paper presented at the IFIP EGOV 2012, Kristiansand, Norway.
- Van Stijn, E., Klievink, B., Janssen, M., & Tan, Y.-H. (2012). Enhancing business and government interactions in global trade. Paper presented at the Third International Engineering Systems Symposium CESUN 2012, Delft, Netherlands.
- Klievink, B., & Janssen, M. (2011). Integrating Public and Private Services: Intermediaries as a Channel for Public Service Delivery. In V. Weerakkody (Ed.), Applied Technology Integration in Governmental Organizations: New E-Government Research(pp. 215-226). Hershey: Information Science Reference.
- Van Stijn, E., Hesketh, D., Tan, Y., Klievink, B., Overbeek, S., Heijmann, F., Pikart, M., and Butterly, T. (2011) The Data Pipeline. Discussion paper for the United Nations Global Trade Facilitation Conference 2011, Geneva
- Overbeek, S., Klievink, B., Hesketh, D., Heijmann, F., Tan, Y-H., Van Stijn, E., and Aldewereld, H. (2011) A Web-Based Data Pipeline for Compliance in International Trade. Paper for Vervoerslogistieke Werkdagen (VLW) 2011, Antwerp
- Bajnath, S, Janssen, M, Bharosa, N, Both, C, Klievink, B, Overbeek, S, & Van Veenstra, AF, (2010). Deriving Service Delivery Principles Using a Role Playing Game. Paper presented at the 10th European Conference on e-Government (ECEG 2010).
- Klievink, B., Van Veenstra, A. F., & Janssen, M. (2009). Failure to Transform: The Gap in e-Government Stage Models. Paper presented at the 9th European Conference on e-Government.
- Van Veenstra, AF, Janssen, M. & Klievink, B.(2009). Strategies for Integrated Service Delivery and Supply Chain Management. Paper presented at the 9th European Conference on e-Government (ECEG 2009).
- Janssen, M, Klievink, B & Kuk, G. (2009). A practice approach for Orchestrating Service Delivery Channels. Paper presented at a pre-ICIS workshop.
- Klievink, B. (2009). Book Review: Digital Government: E-government Research, Case Studies, and Implementation. Information Polity (2009:1/2). 143-145
- Klievink, B, Janssen, M, Pieterson, W & Fielt, E (2008). Multi-Channel Management Strategy and Coordination: The next hurdle in customer-orientation. The Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Digital Government Research Conference (dg.o 2008) (pp. 385-386).
- Klievink, B., Derks, W., & Janssen, M. (2008). Enterprise Architecture and Governance Challenges for Orchestrating Public-Private Cooperation. In P. Saha (Ed.), Advances in Government Enterprise Architecture(pp. 263-283). Hershey: IGI Global.
- Bharosa, N, Feenstra, R.W., Gortmaker, J, Klievink, B, & Janssen, M (2008). Rethinking Service-Oriented Government: is it really about services? In Harry Bouwman, Roger Bons, Martijn Hoogeweegen, Marijn Janssen, & Hans Pronk (Eds.), Let a thousand flowers bloom(pp. 237-254). Amsterdam: IOS Press BV.
- Janssen, M., & Klievink, B.(2008). Improving Governmental Service Delivery: Disintermediation and Re-Intermediation Strategies for Multi-Channel Management. Paper presented at the 8th European Conference on e-Government.